Hello, my name is Allan Wanderley!
With 25 years old, I'm a software architect from Brazil. Passionate about software development, currently working at BRQ Digital Solutions, delivering software solutions across the organization. With skills in software architecture, gitflow, continuous delivery, observability and code quality assurance.
Husband, lover of coffee and beer, seeking my best performance to deliver assertive solutions to all users of software that I produce.
Technical leader, responsible for delivering software solutions across mulitple projects.
Experience Deployments on-premise enviroments, configuring Self hosted pipelines, web servers with podman and kubernetes.
Technical leader, responsible for delivering software solutions with use of architecture of ports and adapters, applying clean architecture concepts, using patterns like CQRS and Event Sourcing, with fundamental use of Domain Driven Design.
Reponsible for management software components, like .NET and NPM libraries with automated versioning using some good pratices like conventional commits and semantic versioning.
Responsible for apply applications observability and code quality with tools like Elastic Observability and Sonar.
Personal contact directly with customers in software projects.
Deployment containerized applications, using Docker with orquestration of kubernetes and/or azure service applications.
Experience Deployments on-premise enviroments.
Responsible for delivering software solutions with use of architecture of ports and adapters, clean architecture, using the CQRS principle, initiating automated software testing and automated package management for .NET and Angular libraries.
Development of solutions based on microservices, deploying domain-oriented models and coding, and applying SOLID concepts, based on the most advanced technologies recent .NET Core, angular, docker and database relational.
Development of report panels, screens and procedures in Oracle databases. Application development based on Laravel and Vue.js.
This project aims to deserialize your order information into a single object. On ordinary days, join commands are required to call their respective handlers, with put / patch / get requests 2 or more information can be passed at the same time. Thus, this library is motivated to add this information to only one Class, Command or any model that you can deserialize.
Click to view the github project .
A posting and tracking platform for articles and tutorials about technology, with support for multiple authors. Authentication, authorization, recommendation of articles, statistics and interaction via comments.
Several software are included in this project, part of which can be viewed on the github organization .
Motivated by academic activities, this program is a game of typing pangramas. The user must correctly type the informed pangrama, always looking for the shortest possible time, while being able to follow his partial result in real time.
At the end of the sentence, the result is informed and so it can be consulted later on a scoreboard. It is possible to enter a nickname to facilitate the identification of the user who made such a result.
Among some other features are:
To download just access the repository below and click the download button:
For Windows systems it may be necessary to start the program as an administrator to be able to record the nickname of the results.